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Distributed Portfolio (10%) and Final Reflective Paper (15%)

Grade Weight: 25% (total)

Due Date: 11:00 a.m on June 21st

Medium: GoogleSites or another free web development site (wetpaint or pbworks, for example).

Description: Your final project for this class is a distributed portfolio of the work you've done this semester and a short paper (3-5 pages) analyzing that work. Your portofolio will take the form of a website in which you embed your videos, comics, and audio stories AND/OR link to those works. The organization of your site is up to you, as is the site's appearance, but you will want to make your distributed portfolio easy to navigate, organized, and polished. Your distributed portfolio will include a final course reflection in which you analyze the work you've done this semester (and I'll post some questions for this final analysis to Moodle). It will serve as a introduction to your portfolio, guiding readers through your work and giving them a good sense of the amount of effort you've put into these works. This is not a project you should leave until the last minute as it represents 25% of your grade in this class.

Requirements: your website must be organized, easy to navigate, and polished. It must include all of the creative work you've completed this semester (either links to those works or the actual works). It must include a 3-5 page reflection on that work. And it must be ready for me to grade no later than 11a.m. on June 21t.